Saturday, December 24, 2016

Broken Condumbs? That is fucking DUMB!

"Broken Condumbs?  That is fucking DUMB!" Yes, yes it is.  And that is ok. 

So what's the deal with these Broken Condumbs? Well... They are a couple of average Joe's that like to talk, a lot.  About all kinds of random shit. They have shared interest in comic books, movies, music and other Pop-Culture. 

Who the fuck are these "Broken Condumbs?"  Allow me to introduce you to a couple guys that are cooler than the arctic, but some how hotter than the fucking sun at the same time: Handy Manny and Effin Stephan. Both from Las Vegas NV, these two cum-stains are some of the goofiest guys you will ever know. 

Handy Manny and Effin Stephan are starting a podcast because they have a lot to say. After all, This is America right? And they want their voices to be heard. Mostly they just want to hear themselves. 

So, let's here what these numbskulls have to say!